Emotiva or stick with my Anthem??

Currently using the analog audio outs of a Pioneer 05
into my Anthem AVM20's 6 channel inputs (no HDMI). Staying
with this senario I am confinded to 5.1
Then I heard about Emotiva. With current model UMC-1 pre/pro listing at $700 and the upcoming XMC-1 at $1000
(with balanced outs) sounds intriging.
So is there anyone with any information about this company?
Any UMC-1 owners out there with any quick reviews?
Thanks in advance..
I don't know this is true or not, but I thought you could send your Anthem in and get it updated for a fee.... I could be wrong...
See I feel exactly opposite about Emotiva BASED ON the absurd wolfpack praise on Audioholics, they seem to have an agenda to me and I question many members actual qualifications to actually present a review worth reading or trusting, Audioholics is a site with a budget mission and that trumps every other consideration IMO and makes most anything its members say somewhat suspect to me. If they could simply bring themselves to admit the quality or even allow opinions on Higher end gear to be discussed without a pounce by its many members who mock, insult and belittle those who think Hi-fi is often worth the premium then I would feel better about its content but its shown time and time again that a level playing field and fair treatment of those who suggest Hi-Fi is often but not always worth the price of addmission is simply too much to ask of its members and moderators.
I am not sure who is at fault and if there is any blame at all with the site and its enthusiasm, it could be a steering from moderators or hijacked by its many members. Now that my issue (which may or may not be justified or fair) has been noted I still am very curious of the Emotiva processor because again if its that good then its a no brainer.
Its sure is packed with features and looks very tempting, if its even half as good as it looks it could be some higher end companies may have some explaining to do!
I think your dislike of Audioholics is why I like them. They are an extreme opinion, to be sure, but they tend to balance my opinions and keep my wish-list somewhat down to earth. Tom Andry has said some horrible things about Anthem and their room correction, and it did piss me off. The 'wolf-pack' mentality is indeed disconcerting.

But I must admit I agre with their overall mission of countering a lot of hype and pseudo-science that permeates our hobby.
The mission can sometimes get drowned out by imature members and poor moderator practice...that crap makes them pointless as it just seems like a bunch of tweens posting there.
Hey sorry this thread isnt about another website and they really arent worth the mention. I would love to see any results on demo or owners of the new Emotiva if any are available.