Emotiva or stick with my Anthem??

Currently using the analog audio outs of a Pioneer 05
into my Anthem AVM20's 6 channel inputs (no HDMI). Staying
with this senario I am confinded to 5.1
Then I heard about Emotiva. With current model UMC-1 pre/pro listing at $700 and the upcoming XMC-1 at $1000
(with balanced outs) sounds intriging.
So is there anyone with any information about this company?
Any UMC-1 owners out there with any quick reviews?
Thanks in advance..
I think your dislike of Audioholics is why I like them. They are an extreme opinion, to be sure, but they tend to balance my opinions and keep my wish-list somewhat down to earth. Tom Andry has said some horrible things about Anthem and their room correction, and it did piss me off. The 'wolf-pack' mentality is indeed disconcerting.

But I must admit I agre with their overall mission of countering a lot of hype and pseudo-science that permeates our hobby.
The mission can sometimes get drowned out by imature members and poor moderator practice...that crap makes them pointless as it just seems like a bunch of tweens posting there.
Hey sorry this thread isnt about another website and they really arent worth the mention. I would love to see any results on demo or owners of the new Emotiva if any are available.

Andthem is probably a bit out of my price range anyway. There should be some decent choices in between Emotiva and Anthem- thankfully it's not an either-or situation.
I own Rotel 1068 and my fathers owns Lexicon MC8 and to be honest there isnt all that much daylighte between the two.
I get around HDMI with straight HDMI video wire and internal decoder for disc player into multi channel RCA bypass........that saves A TON of cash!
I have used and like room EQ but its not a deal killer either....hell we got by without this long right?