CDs Vs LPs

Just wondering how many prefer CDs over LPs  or LPs over CDs for the best sound quality. Assuming that both turntable and CDP are same high end quality. 
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CDs - Just more practical. I still have CDs that are well over 10 years ago. 

@uberwaltz - Cassettes? haha awesome! They were the best actually :)
I own hundreds of Classical CDs I bought in the mid to late 1980s. Playing some right now!.                          
As for 'practical'. I have been weeding down my LP collection for the past month. MY shelving was six (12"x13") cubes high, and ten across filled with LPs. I wanted to get rid of the top row entirely, and empty out the bottom row. So basically get rid of 1/3 of all LPs. After a month of hard work, I have managed to empty the top row and removed it! Woo whoo! Sold piles to my favorite used record store.And gave away six 12" by 8" canvass shopping bags full of Classical 'junk' to Goodwill. One plus of all the work is I now have enough removed high quality outer sleeves from dumped Rock and Jazz, to cover the rest of the Classical which was half naked. (just finished that task of putting them on this morning) ALL of that has no enjoyment. Just work. CDs ARE way easier to keep.  And I can say having three or so of every Classical title is going to change, but that means I have to listen to all 3 of them and decide which 2 to keep. Half of my future life may be spent completing the task. LOL 
It is supposed to be a hobby, not a life consuming experience.
jumperboy2 says:
CDs - Just more practical. I still have CDs that are well over 10 years ago. ten years supposed to be a long time?  My first CDs were purchased back in 84 and they still sound fine.  Goodness, that was 34 years ago!!
I have LPs pressed in the early 1950s that play just fine too. One example (Benny Goodman) is 65 years old and still plays fine.

The Library of Congress did an archival study in the mid 1980s that suggested that laminated media like CDs would last decades while amorphous media like LPs and LP stampers would last centuries (all heavily dependent on quality of storage of course). I think I would be bored to death of the cut by then though.