Micromega M-100/150 field reports

Got a M-100 or M-150?  Share your setups, tweaks and observations, and help out your homies.

My initial M-100 config and some early observations in this thread.

Things I'm wondering about:

  • hacks & upgrades to LAN infrastructure including h/w, and whether they make an objective difference in reproduction from the M-100/150
  • power cords/supplies, with same question (objective difference?)
  • MARS room correction performance & value
  • whether Micromega will have any relief for the abject instability of their Android control app (circa 2016)
I played around for a bit with my Sennheiser/Massdrop HD6xx both with and without binaural.  For me loud is about 50 and I didn’t try to go up to 60.  So far I think the circuit sounds a little dark and not too detailed, but I want to spend some more time with it.  This is compared to my desktop Teac 501.  The binaural light sounds pretty good but the medium and strong sound too processed.  It would be nice to be able to add a little eq.
Can anyone report back on the fan noise? Is it bothersome and does it run a lot? 

How about the temperature of the unit. Is it very high and something you worry about for longevity? 

I was told recently that the Ethernet port will become an ROON end-point by the end of 2018. Does anyone have this feature implemented yet?

How do you guys compare the sound of the unit. Is it comparable to a highish end integrated such as the Mark Levinson 585 or Luxman 509x. Specifically with the layering of the sound and the air around instruments? The new Mark Levinson 5000 series is a cheaper alternative to the ML 585 and something that I am also looking at for a small room. 

Quite a few questions.
Can anyone report back on the fan noise? Is it bothersome and does it run a lot? How about the temperature of the unit. Is it very high and something you worry about for longevity?
I have the M-100.  I've heard no fan noise.  External temp of the case is at best warm at end of the day (~6-8hrs powered on, with a couple 2hr listening sessions).  I don't worry about longevity.
... Ethernet port will become an ROON end-point by the end of 2018. Does anyone have this feature implemented yet?
I don't use Roon.  For me open-source (free) alternatives + UPnP/DLNA are better value.  DLNA already supported by the M-One's.
How do you guys compare the sound of the unit ... Specifically with the layering of the sound and the air around instruments?
If sounds-like-Rolling-Stones-playing-Hey Negrita-right-in-the-room-with-you is equivalent to "layering" and "air around instruments", then yes.

I measure the top it an IR thermometer at 95F and at the side where the “vent” is at 97F both at idle and running.  Can occasionally hear the fan with my ear close by but certainly not at listening position with no music on.  
I switched from fairly high end tube integrated and think the M100 sounds fantastic.  
As for Roon endpoint, I doubt anyone has it yet since they haven’t released it, but an email from Micromega assured it’s coming.  I’m looking forward to it since Roon has been one of the best stereo/music purchases I’ve made.  The ability to explore my collection in new ways is so worth the price.  For me, free doesn’t always equal value.  
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