Making a difficult decision

I am trying to decide between a peachtree nova 150 or a parasound 135 both are intergrated amps. The parasound has a lot of power and connectivity options. The peachtree has power and connectivity also but what worries me is in the reviews I have read the build quality and the power supply not discussed. The parasound weighs47# the peachtree is only 17# this concerns me some. I plan on using them to drive my Magnepan 1.7s. Any thoughts?
Yes big Greg I have listened to both with mag1.7 but the room was just a showroom type setup. They sound fine but not the best way to listen. I did hear a peachtree nova 150 on paradigm 75f speakers and was blown away! 
With those speakers Parasound would be my only choice. I have the A21 and it is a beast, sounds clean and powerful.
@audiomaze, wrong comparison, nova150 working well for Paradigm is not the same as working well with your speaker. Paradigms are 92 dB / 89 dB and are stable at 8 ohm (if I remember right) very easy to drive and they have been like this for sometime. They driver based speakers. I have a pair of Paradigms studio 40 v3 version very easy to drive.

Do you know the lowest impedance level your speaker will go to?.

Check out Sanders amps , top notch and built for electrostatics :

Try used market for such amp. You may be able to get something and have spare budget for an excellent tube preamp.