2.0 Mv Hana Shibata H enough output for Croft Phono Integrated?

I'm considering the Hana Shibata H for the Croft, and wondering if it's 2.0 Mv Output will sing through the Croft phono. 
Make sure that your tonearm will work with the light weight ( 5 gram ) Hana SH!
10 grams is effective mass of Amadeus arm. I will have to check out Vinyl Engine to see if the 5 gram (Hana) will be a nice match. donvito- agreed....don't understand why they wouldn't list compliance spec. I'm planning on making a purchase in a week or two, so hopefully I will have things sorted a bit better.
I've been playing with speaker positioning, and this system is starting to sound quite good with the Charisma Denon 103. I just purchased a trio of Amperex Holland 12AX7'a for the Croft today, and I'm going to start there. They should be a nice improvement over the stock JJ's.