What’s in a watt

Ok guys, here’s my current dilemma. 

I’m running my TV into an OPPO BDP-105D, which in turn is plugged into my MA6500. AppleTV is my main music/tv source, so now, we have 4 different components in play for the system. I’m running Focal 1028BE II with a pair of Velodyne VX-11 subs hooked onto the pre out from the Mac. 

Not a high priced system, but it sounds great in my smallish living room and I can (and do) listen for hours on end without fatigue.

The problem: the OPPO is on the fritz and is no longer made or supported. The other problem: while she knows how to use the system, my wife finds it to be a pain in the ass. The OPPO randomly powering off was the last straw. She watches TV on her phone and listens through AirPods when I’m not home to avoid all the components. 

I’m building a separate theatre room, so the system were discussing is strictly 2 channel w/subs. 

Ive been eyeing the Anthem STR Integrated as a good option to centralize the whole system into one box. Then, the Naim Unity line was recommended to me and it looks really intriguing. The Anthem is in the high end range for what I would like to spend, about $4500. This puts the Unity Atom in my sights. My concern is that at 40 watts, I might come up short with certain types of music, especially if we move to a bigger home.

I’ve been told that ‘Naim watts’ are superior to other watts and that it’s 40 would outperform the 120 in my MA6500 but I’m skeptical and don’t want to short change myself in the long run for ease of use now. 

I’d love to get the communities thoughts and recommendations on what a good direction or solution to current situation might be. 

First, if you have concerns about your 105, I would call Oppo and see.  Even though they are not making new devices, they will still support in-warranty and out-of-warranty repairs.
As far as NAIM goes, it sounds like a "naim fanboy" was making these claims.  I'm not saying NAIM is bad or anything at all, but beauty is always in the eyes of the beholder.  In your situation, the focal speakers are very fast responding and are definitely very efficient (at 91.5db).  They would probably be fine with the NAIM.  However, in my experience, Focal will sound best with a slightly warm or laid back amplifier, which makes your McIntosh MA6500 a very good match.  The NAIM may or may not sound better, but it will sound different.  In my opinion, I would probably want to keep the larger power supply of the McIntosh and look at speaker cables or interconnects to improve performance or resolution (if that's what your looking for).
Thanks for the reply, Auxinput. 

The Mac and the Focals pair very well. I’ve had other amps, and still have a Cronus Magnum boxed in need of repair in the cellar. Great amp, but I like the convenience of SS these days. 

I’m happy with the sound. It’s more about merging down as much as I can into one box, without sacrificing quality.

Not sure I want to go through the hassle of getting the OPPO repaired. It is out of warranty at this point and I’m pretty sure my model may not be supported at this point. Worth finding out, though after shipping and repair costs, I’m guessing it might not be worth it. 

Any purchase I make would likely involve trading/selling the Mac. They go for between $1800-$2600 online, so that takes a nice bite out of whatever I could end up with. 

Ideally, I’d end up with an all in one solution that fits all needs, or something that could be upgraded, perhaps by adding an external amp at a later date. 
So, I had a similar issue:  Mac Amp, Coincident speakers, Oppo 105 (that works flawlessly.The big difference is that I use a pre-pro.  My Emotiva has a great pass through feature.  When it's off, the source, satellite, goes directly through the TV.  As soon as I turn on the Emotiva, everything turns on and I have theater.
My thoughts:  The Oppo is a great player, the volume is mediocre and I keep the output fixed, the DAC is also mediocre.  Emotiva's DAC is somewhat better. (My Hugo is clearly better for streaming, Tidal or computer audio).
Keep everything.  Buy a Samsung or Sony BlueRay player.  Spend some decent money on a pre-pro with pass through.  Emotiva is great.  Anthem is even better.  Your wife can ignore all of your toys and watch tv when she pleases.