
Responses from hybrid81

Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
@ron1264  I wouldn’t put the 1038’s in a small room but I think the 1028’s would be fine. Honestly with a much smaller room I’d look at the bookshelf offering. I had a pair of Focal Chorus 807w’s that sounded incredible with a single sub in a smal... 
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
@ron1264 I like the 1028be a lot. I’ve had them for about 5 years with no desire to upgrade. For the size rooms I’ve had them in, they have been perfect. With as loud as they can get, I think they’d be fine in most 4-5 bedroom houses. They don’t m... 
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
@grannyring Holy sh!t you’re right, they are 4 ohm. Learning all kinds of things today. Thanks for the heads up! Makes me feel a lot better about this integrated. Demo has been delayed for a couple weeks unfortunately, but I really can’t wait to g... 
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
@jcarcopo yea that’s what I’m gathering from this thread, seems like it checks most boxes for most people. I’d love to know the power output at 8ohms but I believe that so long as it’s above 80ish watts I’d be fine. I have a feeling the only optio... 
What’s in a watt
Few things with the Hint: 1. No room correction. I feel like I’d really like to give that a go as my listening space is less then ideal. 2. It is, in my humble opinion, butt ugly. 3. I do like the individual sub and tone controls.4. Good power tha... 
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
Hello, happy Lyngdorfians. I’m considering the 2170 to replace my McIntosh MA6500/OPPO BDP-105d combo as the OPPO is failing and I’d like to move to a one box solution.I use Focal Electra 1028BE II speakers along with a pair of Velodyne VX-11’s th... 
What’s in a watt
Very insightful stuff, Auxinput. I agree that Focals, at least the Electras, can be harsh and or lean with the wrong amplification. Found that out when I paired them with an Emotiva at one point. Im starting to think that perhaps just replacing th... 
What’s in a watt
The Lyngdorf is interesting. The only major advantage I see over the Anthem is the HDMI option. That add on puts it at the same price as the Anthem, but the Anthem has way more power and a lot of the Lyngdorf add-ons are already built into it. The... 
What’s in a watt
Thanks for all the replies. Elevik, you were right about the OPPO’s volume control. I went to fixed and started controlling from the Mac and I actually do seem to notice a difference. Just a little bit more vibrant at mid to high volumes. Crazy. T... 
What’s in a watt
Thanks for the reply, Auxinput. The Mac and the Focals pair very well. I’ve had other amps, and still have a Cronus Magnum boxed in need of repair in the cellar. Great amp, but I like the convenience of SS these days. I’m happy with the sound. It’... 
New McIntosh MA252
Any other folks have updates here? The MA6500 has been a great amp and I’ve no need to move on from it, but that tube glow is calling to me.. 
New McIntosh MA252
Also have an MA6500 and am intrigued by this amp. I’ve not had great experiences with tube amps but I did love the sound when I was able to get them dialed in. Have a lot of NOS tubes of the MA252’s variety lying around and I think a hybrid amp co... 
Personal amp evolution
Sony Stereo Amp from the 90’s (inherited in 2012)  Emotiva UPA-200 (2013)   Peachtree Audio Decco 65 (2014)   Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum (2015)   McIntosh MA6500 (2015)  Really like the last 2, but if pushed, I’d take the Mac.  
Tidal Streaming Service
Sorry gents. Suppose I got a bit ahead of myself there. Still curious to see where people think this will go. Also quite amused at the folks stating they can not hear a difference. Even my fiancé piped up about how much better it sounded then Spot... 
How much does your system retail for?
^ About 13k...forgot how these forums work..