Insiders check in

Why did I pay $10 for this? πŸ€”
Am I a cool kid now? 😎😎😎
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xd2girls
Welcome to the..... , well not quite sure what you can call this little club yet
Apart from there is no geoff kait yet so that is a bonus
Speaking of Geoff, I recall that he reached 10,000 posts in mid-June of this year. He’s now up to 12,720 as of a few minutes ago. So in the past approximately 150 days he’s averaged about 18 posts a day. Nearly all of them being some combination of worthless and/or insulting, IMO.

My perception is that post rate represents a considerable increase relative to years past. Just guessing, but I wonder if that may be a consequence of having been banned at some other forum.

In any event, I’ve adopted a policy of avoiding any interaction with him, and for the most part avoiding the kinds of controversial threads he tends to gravitate to. Most of those threads not having much if any practical value anyway.

Best regards,
-- Al