Used audiophile preamp

 I’m looking for a used  audiophile preamp either solid state or tube. Looking for recommendations. Prefer less than $4000. Currently own Jeff Rowland Consumate preamp, phonostage and power supply.  Older technology but still excellent. What does newer technology have to offer over what I have?  Soundstage? Musicality? My system includes Linn turntable, Odyssey Kismet monoblocks, Spatial M3 Turbo spkrs, Schitt DAC, Cambridge CD Turntable, PS Nuwave, etc.  Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. All input welcome. Thanks.
 Thanks all for your input. I have a dedicated listening room which I just built during a basement build out.  I have bass traps and I’m experimenting with different traps etc to optimize room acoustics. The Rowland is exceptional. I purchased the Rowland Consumate and phono stage 30 plus years ago. I was curious to know if newer preamps had significantly improved in musicality and sound stage, etc. No gotta haves but love to hear recommendations.
Perhaps rather than replacing the amps consider an upgrade with new high end capacitors in the audio path.  Many have had success with this approach.  Mundorf Supreme Silver, Gold, Oil (1200 volt versions), Miflex, Dualand, several others.  Find a reputable shop who has worked with your equipment.   Personally this has worked wonders for my vintage tube equipment and some SS as well.  
If you are thinking of tube amplification, i agree CJ....Quicksilver is great too and huge bang for the buck.   I would also recommend going Rowland amp if you were to make an upgrade and stay SS.    My preamps up until recently proved to be the bottleneck of my system,  My c-j pre sounds fantastic and I'm fairly certain it would be big $$$ to improve it.    I upgraded my amps since and they too were an improvement but I honestly think that pre is so good I could upgrade my other components further and the preamp would not be outclassed.

My point, if you have a great pre there are probably better ways to spend your money.