Revel F228BE

Any Agon members own a set or extensively heard a pair of the new Revel F228be's ? Do they sound amazing and  a lot better than Performa F206s and F208s? 
I have the 208’s, the 206’s and have has the f228be’s for the last 6 months. I already thought the 208’s where very clear and sounded excellent but 228’s bring clarity to another level. I’ve been using the Bryston 173 and 4b3 to drive them and the clarity Is just outstanding. Now when I listen to the 208s the sound muddy in comparison. The thing that first grabbed me when I listened to them was the presence of the piano. I’d never heard it that good!!!
I'm very interested in the Revel F228Be's, but haven't had a chance to listen to them yet (four hours' driving to get to/from nearest dealer). But I have quite constrained placement options in my room, so if I were to purchase them, I don't think I could *optimize* positioning of these speakers. So, I have a question for F228Be owners: what do you think is the *minimum* distance from the back wall in order to do *at least moderate* justice to these speakers? Minimum distance from side walls? My understanding is that these do not have the compensation switches that the F208 has(?)

Hope my questions make sense. Thanks for any information!
otinkyad, I've had my F228BE's about 3 months now and had F206 before. They sound amazing, much better deeper bass, much better highs. Just plain better all the way around. 
I have mine in a 12 x 13 room about 16 inches out from wall and 20 from sides. I have good acoustic treatments in corners, first reflections and OmegaWood absorbsion/diffusers on listening wall behind sofa. These may help but I rarely get room nodes that are noticeable. I would like to take out front wall and move back 2 feet to give about 24-30 inches and away from me another foot or so, but all in all sounds very good. 

the speakers are front ported so i would think some absorption on the sidewall first reflection point would work. The contour 60, persona 3f, and  Kanta2 are competitors at the same price all quality products that will appeal to different listeners I'm sure Kef has something at this price and are dumping the r line at 1/2 price by B&M dealers so probably worth listening to the R900 also.
@lnitm  Many thanks for the positioning information —extremely helpful, and good to know that 16” to front wall is workable.   I finally managed to audition them today and was able to experiment a little with positioning, and also felt they sounded very good at 16” from back wall.  

@steve59. Thanks very much for the thoughts on room correction as well as alternatives.  I’ll have to look at which of those are possible auditions (nothing is closer than 3-4 hours for me).