Who Has A BHK 250 & How Do You Like It?

I’m considering pulling the trigger on one of these.  A dealer has offered me a new one at $4800 (normal price is $7500).  I’ll be feeding it directly from my PS Directstream DAC then from the amp into Magnepan 1.7i.  Was considering a used Bryston 4B3 at $4000 but it seems from what I’ve read that the BHK 250 is a better sounding amp.


I have a BHK 250 and I too have wondered what it would sound like with Maggie 1.7i's. Unless someone has actual experience with this combination, opinions on how this amp sounds with one speaker don't necessarily correlate with other speakers. I've no experience with Bryston. In my system, I don't find the BHK amp to be "warm" at all and would characterize it as neutral. I had to do a bit of tweaking with different power cords, tubes, and interconnects to get it's tonality to suit me. Once I did, I love it and find it competitive with equipment at a much higher price point. Don't feel like you have to rush to jump on the amp for $4,800. PS Audio equipment is available at a discount from more than one retailer. 
Magnepan demonstrates with Bryston, designs with, and works very well together.
I have heard the whole Bryston stack Dac/ CDplayer Pre and 4B Cubed amp perform with Magnepans with musically engaging and effortless results.
I actually have the BHK Pre and BHK-250 combo with the 1.7s (not i). 
I think the MGs and the power amp mate very well together. Lots and lots of headroom and velvety sound with great soundstage. I did change the tubes to Tungsram tube for both the pre and power. At this price I would most highly recommend it.
I too have the BHK pre and 250 combo, I would say neutral as well, I replaced some Ayre 5 series, that gear was warm . So far very happy. Revealing but not bright. As has been said many times it depends on what you pair it with. Good luck