linn sondek tt

Does anybody still buy this? I just noticed many of their old dealers are gone.i wonder why?
Well, that could be true.  I thought that the Linn system was pretty decent.

I still think there are things that after years of listening you can hear that are qualities inherent to each piece.  
The Linn LP12, or if you prefer, the endlessly modified/exploited Thorens TD150/ Ariston RD11, is perhaps the second greatest marketing success in audio history (ahead of Bose, behind Monster?!).

Apart from heavy handed tactics and legal triumphs, very little creativity or originality emerged from that direction.

Two decades later I still rue the day I got involved in succumbing to the hype thrown about by sections of the domestic UK press/dealer cartel.

And it hasn’t quite ended yet, almost. Sure, it’s an OK enough sounding deck, but that classic killer look was entirely ’borrowed’.

Do you guys seriously believe that if the LP12 wasn’t a great sounding table that it would have garnered the success it has? 
You can’t solely judge a product on its success or lack thereof in the marketplace. Based on that flawed logic Bose is the greatest. 
Some people love the Bose sound. When it comes to tables, I don’t think that anyone is going to spend that kind of money on a high priced table, unless it delivers. YMMV