linn sondek tt

Does anybody still buy this? I just noticed many of their old dealers are gone.i wonder why?
Do you guys seriously believe that if the LP12 wasn’t a great sounding table that it would have garnered the success it has? 
You can’t solely judge a product on its success or lack thereof in the marketplace. Based on that flawed logic Bose is the greatest. 
Some people love the Bose sound. When it comes to tables, I don’t think that anyone is going to spend that kind of money on a high priced table, unless it delivers. YMMV

Do you guys seriously believe that if the LP12 wasn’t a great sounding table that it would have garnered the success it has?

The LP12 is THE example for perfect marketing.
Most audiophiles have no clue and are deaf like a stone. Independent from money..

I am really shocked to see such a question today.

@syntax. We are supposed to believe that Linn sold thousands of their turntable, simply due to excellent marketing!... According to one that bought the rig was able to hear well enough to determine that is was faulty and therefore they were deaf like a stone. Thousands of deaf folks that just couldn’t hear all of its faults...unlike you, I guess ;0)