Next step up from the Sumiko FT-3

Hi all,
Subject says it all. What's a good next-step up tonearm from the Sumiko? Running a Hana SH on a VPI HW-19 Mk4. I'm comfortable with adjusting a cartridge and tonearm, though I'd rather not drill into the plinth if I don't have to.

Thank you for any idea. Budget around $1K new or used. This will be the first new/replacement tonearm I've ever installed. is it worth it?
Thanks! After a decent google search, I found it hard to find them anywhere. Oddly enough.

Still, I'm about to send off the SAMA for recalibration and the Benz for re-tipping. It's good to finally take the table apart and practice putting it back together. The Sumiko arm, I found, was drilled about 4mm too short. So I might rotate that part of the plinth around and re-drill so it's the 221.7mm distance it should be.

Or does it really matter?
If interested you can pick up Jelco 750 for $550 plus get additional 13% off from Audio Sensibility. So under $500 free shipping. They are in Canada great guys to deal with,but ship out of Niagra Falls N.Y. Also USA Hifi has Jelco also out of Canada. 

what did you end up doing ? what did you use w FT-3
i just bought one on a broken SOTA that I will tune up....

I'm shipping my Benz off to get re-tipped and am keeping the FT-3 in the meantime to see how it mates with the Hana SH I got for a replacement. The Hana is 5 grams compared to the Benz's 8.8, but I think the FT-3 should handle that.

I also noticed that my FT-3 doesn't have its elevation collar. I've been adjusting VTA by moving the entire pillar with gross adjustments.