Is the Music Hall MMF 2.2 a good table for an entry level table?

Thinking about purchasing an entry level table. Music Hall, Project, U-Turn preferences/winners?
Purchased the MMF 2.2.. The fishing line has fallen off the anti skate several times, but I think that was due to sudden movement.
To the experts... How do I know that the anti skate is adjusted correctly?
When I let the tonearm fall from the moves slightly to the outside.

I have 3 Music Hall turntables (including the 2.2) and a Project RPM 9 that use the fishing line / weight anti-skate and they don't fall off unless you move the turntable, hit them with the cover, etc.  If yours is falling off with normal use, I'd suggest contacting Music Hall.  Perhaps the notch wasn't cut deep enough in yours?

With the stock cartridge you should be using the middle of the three notches.  A simple way to test to see if you're in the ballpark is to use a record with a blank side (no etching) and set the needle down on it with the platter spinning and the arm should stay where it is.  I've heard of using a blank CD to do the same, but have not tried it. 

There are test records you can purchase to test anti-skating and other aspects of setup.  

There is lots of advice available (and a variety of opinions) about how to "dial in" anti-skate (not everyone recommends the method I outlined above), but with that table you only have 3 choices.  It's designed to be "plug and play" so unless there's something defective about your particular unit, that middle notch should be good.