2k$ speakers that meet my criteria?

I have been doing a lot of research and thought I might as well see if I can get some direct answers.

I am looking for a speaker with some sweetness (a little) and texture and is very involving in the sound signature. As in musical - not analytical or neutral/dry. Also timbre accurate bass. Without the "one note" bass.

I also put I high value on a large 3d soundstage (it is more involving to me). As well as dynamics.
Placement should not be a HUGE concern. (I want to be able to get comfortable and not loose the sweet spot if I move a few inches)

Bonus points go to those who would match other components to it that would help achieve the sound I am looking for.

I want something that can convey the emotional content and musical/harmonic content of the music.

Thank you all,
I had to eliminate Hyperion due to the lack of a convenient dealer myself. If you compare the Hyperion to either Ohms or Vandersteens, please post your impressions. TIA.
"TIA" = Transient Ischemic Attack? You having a brain fart?

Not sure which Hyperion model you are talking about, but I have had the 938s. I prefer them even to the Vandy 5s. The 938s are more transparent, sound livelier, and have better soundstage/imaging IME. Bass is much more room dependent so really can give you a good comparison. Haven't heard the Ohms so can't comment.
heard the hyperions - really enjoyed them
ended up purchasing eminent tech Speakers not the best macro dynamics but incredibly nuanced and transparent while still been sweet and not dry.
not to dig up an old thread but I am hoping to get responses from this same group of people. The budget is the same, this time my criteria is a little modified.

1)Tone/Timbre - This is my thing. I would be looking for speakers that would display the timbre of instruments and voices the best. I mean pretty much flawless. Detail should be put towards the timbre cues I don't need ultra mega detail just tone and detail that solidifies the timbre letting me identify sounds and make them sound lifelike. Various instruments have their own individual timbres and noises I want each to sound distinct.

2)Dynamics - Micro dynamics - what gives an instrument or voice it's expression is what matters most this includes pace- big swings come secondary but the sound should not be extremely compressed and nasty as to sound like a blob (a little weakness in this area is forgivable).

3)Instruments should have their own sound space a separate halo of sound. I don't need a cavernous soundstage; width and depth are not all that important. Instruments need individual weight.

I have learned a lot in this iteration of my system and I have a very good feeling about this next one. The sweet spot is no longer a big deal - "head in a vice" is a negative though. I also do not mind fiddling with placement.
I also would like to work with a dealer or have an inkling of a brand loyalty out of it.
I just want to find something that will do it for me and synergy is a HUGE deal for getting what you want. Dealers AND brands that voice their components for synergy appeal to me.

Also a slightly laid back to a bit of a more forward sound is what I am looking for and recessed mids are a no.


Hyperion is a little homogenizing and sweet in their sound. I am sure many love them - they remind me of a darker Harbeth.
I would say Verity but you will have to up the budget some. Sacrifice a bit and look at Devore.