component cones/spikes vs. rubber

I'm trying to decide whether I should put cones/spikes or Vibrapads/pods underneath my woodshelving which is directly underneath my components?

(Note: I currently have wood shelves underneath my components so the spikes/pads will be placed in a platform config. All of the above will be sitting on an audio rack)

1. Cary CD player
2. Audible Illusions 3A pre-amp
3. BAT 75SE tube amp

Appreciate any comments/thoughts?

Do you want to couple or isolate? They will both work but give different results. I use a mixture of cones and roller bearings myself but preferences here will be system and taste dependent.
Because tubes can be sensitive to vibration induced micro phonics I isolate all of my tubed components with absorbent supports. Some folks like this (subtle) micro phonic effect. Some don't. Your choice.
You will receive divergent recommendations with no consensus.

I suggest you buy cones/spikes and Vibrapods (or a similar decoupling device...perhaps one of Herbie's products) that can be auditioned in your system with a 30 day home trial, and listen for yourself.

There are many devices that can be purchased with 30 day return policies (AudioPoints, Herbie's products, SR Research MiG footers among them).