component cones/spikes vs. rubber

I'm trying to decide whether I should put cones/spikes or Vibrapads/pods underneath my woodshelving which is directly underneath my components?

(Note: I currently have wood shelves underneath my components so the spikes/pads will be placed in a platform config. All of the above will be sitting on an audio rack)

1. Cary CD player
2. Audible Illusions 3A pre-amp
3. BAT 75SE tube amp

Appreciate any comments/thoughts?

Do you want to couple or isolate? They will both work but give different results. I use a mixture of cones and roller bearings myself but preferences here will be system and taste dependent.
Because tubes can be sensitive to vibration induced micro phonics I isolate all of my tubed components with absorbent supports. Some folks like this (subtle) micro phonic effect. Some don't. Your choice.
You will receive divergent recommendations with no consensus.

I suggest you buy cones/spikes and Vibrapods (or a similar decoupling device...perhaps one of Herbie's products) that can be auditioned in your system with a 30 day home trial, and listen for yourself.

There are many devices that can be purchased with 30 day return policies (AudioPoints, Herbie's products, SR Research MiG footers among them).
If you use heavy spikes into a massive board it will effectively dampen vibration which I find sounds best with my all tube amplification.