the clue by Sjofn HiFi at RMAF

Hey, first off, full disclosure. I'm a friend of Sjofn Hifi, but have no financial interest in their business. OK, that said, was anyone at RMAF and went into room 427 to listen to (the clue)? I was there helping out for the weekend and the first time I heard it I was stunned. I'm interested in hearing anyones comments about what they thought...

Anyone hear anything else they loved?
Hey Texas. It's great that you enjoyed the design and the sound. The $999 was a "show special" and it has returned to normal retail of $1500. For an official statement on the current price, anyone whom is interested should contact Lars Erickson through his address at the website.

Arfan.......I too loved the pulsar, but at $7000 they were in a different classification. The Lsa1 statement were exceptional too. There were certain things that were missing(to my ears) but They were overall very musical and had plenty of bass. I wanted to pick up a pair at the 40% discount they were offering, But I've got speakers stacked up like cord wood at the moment.
My friend and I thought they were a joke. We were out of that room in less than a minute. We just didn't get why anyone would want to listen to these.
Anybody else get to hear (the clue)? Looks like a very clever design. I'm curious how resolving or "fast" they can be with that room coupling design. Also, you tend to think, in conventional speaker terms, that near-wall placement sacrifices stage depth. Any impressions?
Anybody using these in their rig these days? Interested to hear how they're working out for you, if so. Thanks!