Favorite DAC?

As I am pondering venturing into the DAC arena, there are a few that come to mind. My question is what is your personal favorite and why? Also, do you prefer the Solid State versions or the Tubed versions? Certain ones that I am considering would be the Electrocompaniet, AudioMeca, Levinson, Musical Fidelity in the solid state. In the tubed version would be like a Kora or an Audio Logic.

Thanks for all opinions.

Good listening,

I must agree with Caterham1700. The 47 Labs dacs are superb music communicators. I have had MANY hi end digital products from Accuphase, Wadia, and Levinson and all have fallen to the musical 47Labs!
I am enjoying my Chord DAC64, with a CEC TL-1X. Couldn't really enjoy digital until I bought the Chord. I also have a Burmester 001, and find it and the Chord/CEC equally enjoyable.
I use my Audio Aero Mark II for all of my DAC needs. I use the toslink for Satellite, coax for DVDs and I run my CDs from the Audio Aero. The Audio Aero has a volumn control and i understand the newest versions will even have an analog input so I can run my receiver through it and then I get a full preamp and CD player all in one and this might even justify the price.