Maker Audio NL14 and NL14+...

I would be grateful to hear any listening impressions from those of you who will be lucky enough to hear the NL14+ amps at CES or who have heard them previously. In particular if you already own an NL 10.1 or NL 12.1 and hear the 14s and are thinking of upgrading, please let me know as well. Thank you!
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Greetings...thank you for all the feedback and the comparison to the NL 12.1 (I have owned 2 and still have one of them...). I heard the same things from Tom and could feel that the NL 14+ are a definite improvement over amps that I am already very familiar with (the Signature monos). He also makes an NL 14 stereo amp version which is comparable from what I've heard. I am planning on trying the NL14+ version later this year and may (depending upon finances, space available, matching powercords, etc...) wind up with at least the NL14 and hopefully the NL14+.

If your are planning on staying with EW speakers, have you heard the Andra IIIs or the Savoy? They are tremendous speakers. If not, what are you considering for your next speaker? Given what the NLs are capable off, you have many choices for dynamic, musical and involving speakers.

Thanks again for all the feedback!
Hello, I am planning on staying with my EW Rosa speakers for at least one or two years but perhaps after going on the Andra III.... A friend of mine has the Andra III and I confirm they are really tremendous speakers whithout any doubt, but for the Savoy model I think my current living room is unfortunetly too little for this model...
I hope you will arrive to finance the NL14+, you will be happy for many years with these new fabulous amps designs from Tom!!!
Best regards
Thank you again for all the feedback....I look forward to any more reports as your amps burn in and mature even further!
Thanks again Manodyo for the detailed feedback. As some more time has passed and they are surely well broken in by now, can you let me know what you are hearing in more detail?
Thanks! I am getting closer to a decision to move up from NL 12.1 and I'd appreciate any more recent impressions that you have...