TRL Marantz Sa-14

After speaking to Paul at TRL I am very curious to hear from those who own this unit what improvements do you hear with the player before and after the mod.

The SA-14 sounds weak in the bass and has no dynamics in comparison to some players like the Sony Scd-1 in stock form. Has anyone compared the TRL Sa-14 to the Sony Scd-1?


Which player beats the TRL SA-14?? I will let you know. My plan is to compare it to two Sony players, one is modified and the other is in stock form. After that I have a friend who does have the stock Marantz SA-1 that I mentioned earlier (love this player).

I refuse to enter into a "shootout" with other players in the mix. The biggest problem is there is no standard testing procedure in place. If we were to select one important criteria for determining the superiority of a product perhaps we can use the "Neutral" term.

But the closest I have ever heard a "neutral system" was at Sony headquarters testing facility where I heard a special crossoverless design speaker system in an anechoic chamber. It was so impressive that I could not describe the sound to you. Its nothing I have ever heard both or since at home or at a live concert event. Therefore I have concluded that this must be what a neutral system should be.


I think the combination of the TRL Audio Mirror with the TRL Alesis Masterlink is one that is a match made in heaven. Having said that I have also heard the TRL Audio Mirror with a Sound Odyssey modified Music Hall CD-25. The result was very good, but a bit more analytical than my ears would prefer. I wasn't aware Paul was using a modified Alesis in his listening set-up as well. Now with the TRL ST-225 amp on the way I guess I need to look into Magico speakers. I swore I would never sell my Spendor's, then again I swore I would never give up my tube amp. Technically I still haven't, but I fear the ST-225 is eventually going to nudge it out of my rotation if indications from others who are using the ST-225 is a gauge for how good it is.


They used the Alesis Masterlink (modded) as a transport because that is what you were going to mate your Audio Mirror with. It makes sense that if they have what you are using as a transport, they should use it as well. :)

I can't wait to hear your impressions of the TRL ST-225. You're using the TRL cables too, right?

I know what you mean about never leaving tubes. I didn't think I've ever say that either ... :)

