TRL Marantz Sa-14

After speaking to Paul at TRL I am very curious to hear from those who own this unit what improvements do you hear with the player before and after the mod.

The SA-14 sounds weak in the bass and has no dynamics in comparison to some players like the Sony Scd-1 in stock form. Has anyone compared the TRL Sa-14 to the Sony Scd-1?
La45 - yes this is the new line of solid state amps. The ST-225 integrated has been out for a little while and while that was something I was interested in, I decided to keep my Joule Electra LA-100 MkIII as a tube preamp and TRL was experimenting with this prototype amp and well the rest is history. I won't be able to compare the sound of this versus the TRL tube amps since I never had them, but I can and will compare the D-225 to my own tube amp. TRL claims these new solid state designs expose how noisy their tube designs were, but TRL, like most of us into tubes, accept the noise in exchange for other sonic qualities. Well the solid state line is supposed to offer the best of both worlds - less noise (my amp is very quiet, not more transformer hum when I put my ear to the speaker, not at any volume level) and tube sonics. I will have to wait a bit more before I render an opinion on that.

Lkgod - I used to use sand bags on top of my speakers. This is a great and inexpensive tweak (lead bags work too), but can be over done. Experimenting with it is fun though. I use HRS plates now. I use the rubber/cork thingies under the D-225 since it doesn't come with feet.

Jack - lucky I never sold those extra HRS plates, I now use a large and medium plate on top of the D-225.
Clio09: Glad you kept the extra HRS plates now? Have you tried the maple butcher block under the amp yet? (I spoke to Brian).

Lkdog: I remember our kitchen remodel. Establish your budget and add another 30 to 40 percent as you go along. It's worth every penny. Especially when you see your Wifes face once it is completed and she is showing it to one of her friends. Kind of reminds me of ourselves when we bring something cool home, like a new amplifier, for example.

LA45: Hey Cuz, I definitely love the looks of the 14 and yes, it will make you sleep a lot less than you should. You should be getting closer to 300 hours by now ...



Not there yet hope to have BIT at 300 very soon. I have tubes now so I don't run the system all the time.
There is a Marantz SA-1 listed for $2350. It would be really interesting for someone to pick up this unit and get it modded by TRL. Since people mention that the stock SA-1 is an outstanding machine, it would be interesting to see what Paul and company could improve.

We have the same preamp (Joule Electra LA-100 Mk3). I've got mine hooked up to an Acoustic Reality digital amp (200+ watts into 8 ohms) so lots of juice for my speakers, which are simple 2 ways (though not very efficient). I find the overall sound a bit thin when I use the CRL Silver power cord on the TRL/SA14, not sure what your experience is. For my system, an AirSine power cord is a better match with the TRL/SA14, though I haven't bought one (I tried a friend's) since it is $750 for 6 feet...

- Jay