Anyone under 30?

Lots of cool people, not a lot my age. I hope I am not the only one bringing up the rear.
Geez Kirk that was depressing. I think I am going to sell all me gear now, I've got nothing to look forward to. I was under the impression that it got better with age, I guess that is one of the problems with youth, it makes so many mistakes. Just for the record I do not "reject" older a'gon members, my coment was just a sucker punch, intendid as a joke. So your telling me that by the time I am 25 and can afford Eidolon's I am not going to want them, this sucks! lol, I don't think anything could make me not want those speakers. Though I do notice more and more of my older friend keep getting that BOSE junk, I always blamed on old age and bad hearing and not a loss of passion. On a more personal note I am pleased to see that we(youngsters) are not alone here, I thought I was the only one under 30 that was into this stuff, glad to see this many in there 20's any others out there, keep 'em coming! Tim The Tire Guy
C'mon Tim - I didn't say YOU would lose interest, just everyone you know will lose interest and you'll be left enjoying those Eidolon's alone! Your wife won't want them in the "main" room and, even if you win that battle, you'll have to "watch the volume". Of course, you won't really care because you'll be so darned tired from dealing with the little ones. But, ultimately, you'll come out the other side and buy a house where you make a dedicated listening room a priority and, since it doesn't come at the expense of the living room, the great room or the family room, you'll get it while maintaining marital peace. Your kids will be teenagers and won't be physically demanding - in fact, they'll probably just as soon you leave them alone and go listen to your system. By this time, money won't be so tight and you'll have been upgrading for 15 years or more, so the system will be awesome. Your music collection will be huge enough that you'll constantly find "new" music on your racks. You'll buy new music whenever you feel like it because it'll be a small expense compared to your mortgage, your college bills and the beemer in your garage. Still being passionate about music, you'll still have varied tastes and enjoy current music as well as music from the past.

It seems like a fairly common trait of people as they age that they never regain their music enjoyment legs - that's why people splurge to buy their $1000 Bose system and never look back. Not everyone, of course, but plenty of people who seem to have memories of music deep and wide from when they were younger couldn't tell you anything about music that appeals to a younger generation currently. As time goes by and your own system continues to improve and the music collection adds another 1000 or 5000 CDs, it just opens the gap that much more

None of this is meant to be depressing - I was serious when I called it ironic. Without sounding too materialistic, I enjoy buying a dozen CDs and listening to them over the next week, or dropping a few hundred bucks on a pair of excellent seats to a U2 concert and seeing a fabulous show and not having to worry about it. I would have done it in heartbeat in my 20's if I could have, but I couldn't. Now I can. I'm not complaining. In fact, I'm enjoying the experience, just like I enjoyed the experience of having a lot more time to spend listening to music when I was younger.

The fact that I don't know many people who are really into audio and have zero close friends or relatives who would come over for an evening of listening doesn't detract from my enjoyment of audio or music, and definitely doesn't stop me from dreaming about the next upgrade. So hang onto that gear - I don't think you'll ever stop enjoying it :-) Kirk

No, 32. I fell in love with Thiel 2.2's audio reasearch equipment when I was 23(could not afford it then). Now I own Thiel 2.3's, Pass Lab x-150, x-2, harm-tech cables, wadia 830.
i'll be 58 in a couple of weeks. i own eidolons. i attend lots of concerts, classical to blues to rock. i have many friends with whom i share my audio and musical interests, including my sons, aged 28 and 32. it DOES get better, tireguy. don't believe otherwise. it just depends upon YOU. -cfb
Hey Kirk just for the record I was kidding, I am NOT selling my gear, nor will I ever. If the afghanies bomb me and I lose power I will use the generator to power the system to hell with refrigerator and heat. The joys of being young, single and slightly misguided, sigh.....