WOW; great stuff at THE Show, Newport this weekend

First time ever audio show for me; got to THE Show Friday morning; stood in a line of over 150 people waiting to get badges; instead of being a lonely audiophile; now I had company; everyone had high energy; and were great to chat with. tons of gear. Brief thoughts on my one day visit
1. The Ayon room was simply magical; such eye candy on their amps and preamps; the recent review in TAS was spot on. The Evolution Acoustics mini's sounded just great; incredible base response; but powered by very expensive front end.
2. TAD room; penthouse: magnificiant speakers; great designer rep; friendly; let you play your cd's; their large, $75k floor standers were among the best of show in my opinion; just a tad boomy in base in that room; the monitors dispeared; and sounded cohesive top to bottom
3. Brooks-Berdan room; never heard the Sasha's sound so good; powered by VTL tubed amp and pre amp; better than I heard them in their show room.
4. Revels sounded a bit disjointed; a bit disappointing; even when powered by the new $50k Mark Levinson mono blocks
5. Magico V3's in the synergistic research room; on groud level; with the $40,000 galieo speaker cell wires; sounded very good; but was amazed with the effect of the acoustic treatments; the little wooden shere hanging above them in the center; and tiny base 'cups' and side wall cups; they played a track with these diffusers in place; then removed them; I didn't believe the big difference in sonic improvement with them in; but it happened in front of me.
6. Venture Audio: I've heard these speakers before sound much better; their room was just horrible, and Didi kept playing a scratched lp of Keith Jarrett; which was not top notch. the speakers are beautiful; and are capable of sounding better than that
7. Great to Zingali's back in the USA; unfortunately; they were not set up when I stopped by.
8. The YG caramel's had a very impressive sound stage; and great dynamics; first time I've heard them
9. the MBL room with the 101'es sounded great as well; but room a bit too small to allow them justice.
too much to see and hear in one day; congrats to Bob Levy; and the LA/Orange county society for bringing this great event to SoCal...I hope it returns next year...
hard to evaluate separate pieces; ie; amps vs preamps, or cables; as all system dependent.
Also loved the sound in the Veloce room; battery powered preamp and amp..
Just some quick and random thoughts by a newbie attending first show; loved hearing all this gear in one place; and meeting great and warm fellow audiophiles; again. curious to learn other's responses to this show and gear...
Besides the curious who don't buy always a spendy minority with discretionary income no matter what state the economy. What are they going to do with their dividends from seven figure investment accounts, inheritance windfalls, etc. - Buy real estate? Pour more into the stagnet stock market? Blue lights and garden hose cables are so much more fun.
This was indeed a great show for the first time in So Cal.

I was disappointed with how many systems were just simply bland, ...... boring. There were far too many rooms that I entered but immediately left as the result was like a friend with me said, "it just sounds like a Best Buy demo". Of course we have to remember these setups were done in less-optimum rooms with minimal time for tweaking, but the simple fact that a dozen or so rooms could bring the music alive meant that it can be done.

For me, by quite a stretch, the Estelon/Edge setup was the most impressive. In so many rooms I waited patiently to get a front row seat, and far too many times I waited and waited for the magic to arrive...and it never did. Upon entering the Estelon room, there was something immediately different. There is much critique lately on the "problems" with Accuton drivers. The Estelon designer must be doing something right as I heard no hint of brightness or edginess with these speakers. System setup and integration here surely had a lot to do with the success of this setup, but these speakers were truly special. The exhibitor mentioned that they had shown these speakers with many electronics, but this weekend it was with Edge and the Edge clearly contributed much to the success here as well. If I had the $44k, an impulse buy for these speakers would likely have occurred!

After being a planar guy for 10 years now, I've only heard a few dynamic-driver based speakers that impressed me like the Estelons. I was disappointed to not hear Avalons at the show.

I was eager to hear the Brooks Berdan room with the VTL setup. But as usual for me, the Wilson speakers were uneventful. My friend exited the room quicker than I did as he too was disappointed. I can only imagine what a pair of Avalon Eidolons would have done in that room! ...... or Sound Labs....8-).

The sound from the big Focals was very good as was with the Tannoys. The Focals being in a bigger room than many other setups may have been an advantage here.

A couple other rooms that I was eager to visit were the Bluelight and MBL setups. The Bluelight setup sounded very clean but it just did nothing for me. Perhaps it was the music being played at the time. But I left being very VERY disappointed.....just nothing to want me to stay and listen more than a couple minutes. The MBL system too was impressive with it's technical performance, but I had a similar feeling here as I did the Bluelight room. I really need to hear the MBL 101's in my home with the CAT JL3 amps.

The Gene Rubin setup was one of those impressive setups. For a fraction of the above setups, Gene had something special. The small Harbeth speakers driven by Naim and a new UK turntable with low-priced Dynavector cartridge was truly impressive. I knew nothing about any of these product lines. System integration and setup is truly everything.

One thing that I noticed was that every setup with Cary electronics greatly impressed me. I've never heard Cary at my home or at a dealer, but something was always "right" here. This was especially true for the MIT room. The sound was detailed and rich and dimensional and not the typical tubey sound often reported with Cary products. If I was new to high performance audio systems or was looking for an upgrade in preamp or amps, Cary electronics would be at the top of my audition list.

And finally, the "jaw-dropping" sweepstakes award for "you've got to be kidding" was the Napa room. There was no other word for this than, Wow. The setup was a $400 tube integrated amp driven by an ipod (analog driven) into a $200 pair of mini speakers on stands approximately 3 feet tall. I have never heard such performance from anything remotely close to this price....and speaker size. There was ambience and dimensionality like the vast majority of the far more expensive systems at the show could not achieve. I purchased this system for $480 (stands not included) after the 20% show discount. I've been known to pay twice as much for a power cord!

Great thanks to the LA/OC audio society for making this even happen.
One thing that was very disappointing was the band in the courtyard that forced many rooms to shut down their demos. The sound permeated and competed too much for the room demos to work without being compromised by the external sound.

Too bad, I was looking forward to hearing the Maggie 3.7's and some other setups that literally just stopped.

I've already mentioned on a few threads my love for the Blue Light room, surely the Dartzeel/Playback Designs ultra expensive front end had something to do with it but those Evolution Acoustics Speakers are still something else.

Like Jafox, I also noted the rooms that used Cary were the better sounding rooms (on average). Quite surprised by that as well. Worst sounding room to me was the Vivid room...just dead sounding.

I missed the Napa room, that's too bad, it sounds interesting for an office setup.
Jafox, is NAPA a dealer or manufacterer? Sorry, I've never heard of them before. If a dealer, what is the brand of the amp and speakers you bought? Thanks!