Should I bother to try a subwoofer?

My speakers are listed as going down to 40 HZ (Dynaudio 1.3 MkII monitors).
There is an REL Strata III available locally that I might snag, try out and re-sell if I don't like/need it. My question is this: since I would not be using this for movies, do I even need this? I mostly listen to classical music, more chamber than symphonic, and occasionally listen to rock, jazz and other pop styles.

Am I likely missing something without that lowest octave? I'm thinking that 99% of the time the sub might not even be in use if it kicks in at 40 Hz.

Any comments, purely theoretical or from experience, will be welcome.
Wolf, I tried the sub facing towards me and it did not sound good, so I don't think I'll have the controls against the wall (unless I move to another house, and even then, who knows...)
Marty, you're probably right, but once again, the expense.

Clarification--I didn't mean to imply that I'm uniquely qualified to do this by ear. I imagine most of the folks on the forum have spent a lot of time squinting their ears to sound and music. I think most of the folks here would do a good job of setting up by ear, given enough time. I tried to make that point, briefly, before.
Hmm, wish I found this thread earlier.

I have the same Dyns. Yes, they can benefit from a sub with some kinds of music in particular. But the Dyns can sound lovely with bass down below 50 hz or so by themselves, so it is a tough call.

I do not use a sub with them because I have other speakers that do full range quite well.

If I did not, I might consider a sub, but only a larger very good one capable of going down to 20 hz or so with aplomb in order to really add clear value.

I would try to cross over at 50 hertz or above I believe.

I have used my Dyns with an older M&K sub with good results but that was in my second system where the speakers are stored way up high inside a cabinet and bass performance is way down compared to proper setup as a result.
Aplomb! Has anybody named an adjustment knob "aplomb" yet? That is also a great name for an audio company or product.

I have this little corner thing going on that reinforces the REL amazingly. My system is tweeked (for "active" listening anyway) to my listening spot only, as standing waves and other bass reinforcement elsewhere in the room go bananas, as well they should.

I understand the finances.

That said, I do want to make it clear that I wasn't being sarcastic in acknowledging that your extensive musical training better equips you for the task I was describing. I've become much more attuned (pardon the pun) to pitch subtleties since I started studying guitar a few years back. However, I was trying to point out the difficulty inherent there for anyone undertaking the job.

Suffice it to say that - should you ever have the opportunity to add RTA and /or x-over flexibility and/or DRC down the road - you will likely be surprised at just how much improvement you'll get out of your existing sub/speakers.

Good Luck

Interesting that JL Audio is not mentioned in this thread. The OP went with REL and is happy, congrats. No doubt REL produces a fine sub, but for anyone else considering (Mapman?) adding a sub to a fine pair of monitors: (1) absolutly do it, for all the reasons mentioned above (particularly Teajay and Grannyrig), and (2) audition JL Audio. I recently added an F112 and the expansion of air/soundstage/tone is amazing. It transformed the entire sonic spectrum by enveloping it in an expansive, yet tight and tuneful foundation. Get it dialed in right, set it, forget it, and enjoy it.