EMM Lab DCC2 & CDSD Better connection?

For the EMM Lab CDSD & DCC2 which BETTER Connection for used maximum PERFORMANCE for 2 Chanal CD.
DCC2 used DST(BNC or ST)? or ANALOG (XLR or RCA)? or PCM (AES or COAX or TOS or ST)?

Which Cables and connectors NEED? only for 2 chanal CD and for SACD 2 chanal?

Thank you for your help.
As cautious as I am to approach this thread I will venture to make a comment. I do believe there are wide differences in speaker cables/interconnects but am more cautious about optical. For one, the cables are designed to run hundreds of kilometers to transmit information before they need any boosting. Data loss over a few meters would be exremely small. A second point specific to emm is that with the dac as the master clock and the cdsd slaved there is an infinite jitter barrier thus jitter is not really an issue. I am cautious to think that there is likely to be a major improvement. Frankly, money is just not that plentiful for me to spend several thousand on this chance. More music would likely be a better idea but its simply my opinion.

Well, the poor poor Emm Labs owners are now targets of the viscous optical gang cable manufactures.If one cannot hear the difference between a Aural Symphonics and a stock cord, then they must have a Tinn ear!!!I really am amazed at some of conclusions audiophiles reach based off of some suedo experiences of others,this example is text book. The Aural is one of the finest at time and space as far as resolution and dynamics ( as long as the light conversion is done well). One can only hope that you trust your own ears rather than some of the dealer ears that have agendas-Take care Dennis
Hey gyus, I have signed for a Comcast Digital Phone. I have recently purchased a new phone cable that makes enormous difference. Voices are now "in the room".

Jtinn, is telling the truth, the way it is, everything else does not differ much from a Radio Shack $50 Equalizer.

The margins are too good in these cables to not come up with a new one. Think about the costs of manufacturing and the selling prices. It is a great business. I have realized a lot of things about cables through experimintation recently. One is that price makes little difference to it being better or not. 2nd is that they need time to settle down on an A/B comparison. 3rd, the same exact cable model and brands might sound different between 2 samples. Now on to this question. I switched my cables on my EMM from some old ones that came with my original Philips to kneew ones that came with the CDSD and did realize a major difference. They can get dirty & go bad if not handled carefully. Saying that, EMM is emphatic to not use gels or after market cables as it is a waste of money. If you want to spend thousands of dollars on cables to tune you system by a TACT. It will give you more versatility.
So much for letting one's ears decide. This cable has been trashed and discredited before even being produced. Amazing.

What's going to happen when someone actually hears it, writes a thread here about how amazing it is, and then everyone else goes running out to get one. We shall see.