Ah Njoe Tjoeb 4000

Current system: denon cdp 1600
quicksilver line stage, aes six pacs and maggie 12s

I'd like to upgrade my cdp to Ah! Njoe Tjoeb 4000. questions:

1. would this fit well in my system?
2. does anyone have an opinion on getting rid of the pre-amp and hooking directly to the amp? will the cdp mate well with the six pacs?
3. Could I run my dvd player through the cdp in order amplify movies? thanks
I have 3 of these .
Best for the money. to go direct, you need good volume control and not the 50cent one onthe ah,,,but it does sound alright. Make sure to try amperex tubes to replace
stock. bass not as good as6922 but midrange kills!!
I've had mine for almost 4 years. Still love it. BUT only if you get the Amperex tubes, upsampler and the feet and powercord. Only complaint is display that cannot be read 6 feet away. I wrote a review on it a number of years ago. Do a search to find it.I've upgraded everything since then but not my Ah!
What other CD players were in your blind test? I sold my $1200 CD player and bought the little $40 Toshiba 3990 just to have something to listen to until I bought another player. I was astonished to hear that the Toshiba was better than my original player! Now I feel all mixed up about high end audio. I use it with Apogee Scintillas,CJ Evolution 2000 amps with a Supratek Chenin preamp so my system is good. I would like to know more details about your blind test. Bob