Ah Njoe Tjoeb 4000

Current system: denon cdp 1600
quicksilver line stage, aes six pacs and maggie 12s

I'd like to upgrade my cdp to Ah! Njoe Tjoeb 4000. questions:

1. would this fit well in my system?
2. does anyone have an opinion on getting rid of the pre-amp and hooking directly to the amp? will the cdp mate well with the six pacs?
3. Could I run my dvd player through the cdp in order amplify movies? thanks
I've had mine for almost 4 years. Still love it. BUT only if you get the Amperex tubes, upsampler and the feet and powercord. Only complaint is display that cannot be read 6 feet away. I wrote a review on it a number of years ago. Do a search to find it.I've upgraded everything since then but not my Ah!
What other CD players were in your blind test? I sold my $1200 CD player and bought the little $40 Toshiba 3990 just to have something to listen to until I bought another player. I was astonished to hear that the Toshiba was better than my original player! Now I feel all mixed up about high end audio. I use it with Apogee Scintillas,CJ Evolution 2000 amps with a Supratek Chenin preamp so my system is good. I would like to know more details about your blind test. Bob