EMC-1UP SE interconnect?

I am using an Electrocompaniet 1up-SE with a McIntosh 6500 integrated amp. I have been told that if possible run the EMC balanced and the McIntosh can accomodate one balanced source. I would appreciate any thoughts on running the Electro balanced or not and what ics you may recommend. My speakers are Dali Helicon 300s.

Many thanks.
Peter, my girlfriend has this player in her system, I think it's a wonderful sounding CDP, we tried both balanced and unbalanced IC's and did not notice a significant difference in the sonics between the two. She finally settled on Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II as the best sounding cable compared to three other highly regarded IC's. By the way, when she got the updated spider clamp to replace the standard clamp the improvement was very noticeable, greater clarity/details/tighter bass, which was a greater improvement then using balanced IC's in comparision to single ended. Hope this helps.
I run Analysis Plus Silver Oval Balanced interconnects between my EC1-UP and my Levinson 383 integrated. Very happy with them overall - a huge step forward from my low level Transparent Audio non-balanced IC's they replaced. Much more open soundstage, tighther bass, better all around.
Thanks to all of you who responded. I can always count on help from the membership.
I use Cardas Golden Reference and a Cardas balance adapter for the CD end. My preamp is single-ended only.

All works well for me.

Interesting comments about the spider clamp. I have heard mixed things about that.
Johnmcalpin, I'm interested in what you heard regarding the sider clamp. I know from direct experience that it brought the performance of my girlfriend's player to a higher level, without any downside that I could hear. So, is this concern something that someone else shared with you or did you audition the clamp yourself in your system. I'll thank you in advance.