When is digital going to get the soul of music?

I have to ask this(actually, I thought I mentioned this in another thread.). It's been at least 25 years of digital. The equivalent in vinyl is 1975. I am currently listening to a pre-1975 album. It conveys the soul of music. Although digital may be more detailed, and even gives more detail than analog does(in a way), when will it convey the soul of music. This has escaped digital, as far as I can tell.
Shadrone, Love your summary. It's been said before though. To no avial, unfortunately.

IMHO, the reality is that a lot of folks need to reinforce their personal observations/beliefs so they make a polorizing statement to find support from like believers. A human condition that defies any rational cure. After they have found their counterparts they form a gang and attack all others as non-believers.

It all starts with the title of the thread. If anyone thinks that any particular format has 'soul' they are listening to the wrong thing. Any 'soul' to be found is found in the music, and it can be heard live or over boom boxes by those who have an open mind and ears, those who are not just obsessed with the quality of sound reproduction.

Interestingly the self-proclaimed 'music lovers' who decry and avoid any one particular format because of its inability to convey the soul of music, have no real interest in music. It is just a vehicle for the sound. What they worship is the sound.

One of my favorite performances of Mussorgsky's Pictures is a 1956 recording of a live performance by Richter. I have it on both LP and CD. It is a terrible recording! In either format! But, IMHO, no better performance has ever been recorded. I suspect many audiophiles, in particular, but especially format freaks, would never 'hear' its greatness, or even listen to it, because of recording issues.

Its OK to focus on sound quality, after all it is the foundation of this hobby, but lets not get sanctimonious and pretentious about format preferences having 'soul' or being able to convey 'soul'. That is nothing more, or less, than a bumper crop of crap, being farmed by a bunch of past, present, or future merchants. IMHO of course.

If 'soul' is something to be discussed, why don't we just start a new thread about which religion best portrays or encoumpasses 'soul'. Now that would really be fun!

Rant over. :-)
Really, what the h--k is everyone complaining about? We have more choices now than ever in the past regarding how we satisfy our personal music related urges and it will only get better from here. Maybe if just accept......


But I do think there is a good future episode of South Park perhaps buried in this thread somewhere.
FWIW, I don't prefer one format over another. My preferences are completely related to the quality of the recording, and of the performance.

As far as digital getting to the soul of the music, I don't think either digital or vinyl gets to the soul of music.
Newbee - I did say that 44kHz sampling, and not a CD, is a joke. I still enjoy the music on CD and practicallity of it. I remember seeing similar threads on SS amps lacking the soul compare to tube gear.

"I remember seeing similar threads on SS amps lacking the soul compare to tube gear"........

And I could imagine that I wrote them long ago after getting my SP10! Only I would have just said 'music'. :-)