What is the best DAC ever made?


Just looking for some imput on high quality DAC's...I have owned a number over some time and have loved and lost them...Currently I am using the Classe DAC-1 to great pleasure...Just thought I would ask others what they thought!
Ag insider logo xs@2xbearotti
Irrespective if its hand made suits, hand made watches or hand made electronics, some things in life are worth waiting for.
But to get back on topic the APL NWO-4.0-SE is by a wide margin the best source Ive heard and it has the flexibility to accept Wi-Fi in or computer by wire.
>>11-12-09: Perrew
Bill:-) google apl hifi and then its the first hit.<<

I did.

It directed me to Bernie Madoff's website.

Oh, and bespoke is certainly not limited to just clothing, while yester-year it may have been used primarily in reference to clothing, it is used for nearly all things custom made and usually of a more high-end nature :)
Bill, Im sorry if you invested with Madoff but if it looks like sharpe 5 you can take it for sure the performance is fake. This player on the other hand is for real, I have it right here.