Exceptional value in speakers today?

I'm looking for "sleeper" speaker companies - brands that aren't well known and offer exceptional value.

For years I have been a fan of ACI speakers - the company only sold direct, didn't advertise, but their speakers were consistently compared favorably with speakers costing many times more - in both "professional" reviews and end user reviews.

I am fortunate to have some of their speakers, as the company is no more. Which leads me to my question - there must be a similar company (or several) doing something similar today. Since these tend to be small companies that don't advertise, I thought I'd ask here for some pointers. The big guys are easy to find...

Thanks in advance.

(BTW - my current shopping list is for a pair of monitor speakers for a recording studio. I'm looking for un-powered speakers of exceptional quality (and at a price point <$1k). I need speakers that are good at revealing any flaws in the mix. I already have some high end professional near field monitors (Genelec) and am looking to augment those).
Vapor Audio, and Aeither Audio. Both companies make outstanding products at sane prices that punch way above their asking price.
Evolution Acoustics MMMicro Ones, an incredible monitor including stands for $2500/pair! I have listened to them at several T.H.E. shows and have always left the room very impressed with the incredibly musical sound and frequency extension for such a moderate sized monitor. Personally, This speaker embarrasses the Magico Q1's selling at several thousand dollars more. Check out the Evolution Acoustic web site for pictures and details. Disclaimer; I sold my MAXX 2's in favor of the MM2's I was so impressed with what I heard .
EBM, which of those you mentioned are selling for less than 1k as the OP stated for his price range? If you know of any, please let me know where I can get them. To the OP, a used pair of Revel M20s should come in under your budget and would likely suit your needs.