Amp Recommendation for Vienna Acoustics

I own a pair of Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand. Currently using a Conrad Johnson CAV 50 Controlled tube amp. I love the warm sound of the CJ and VA , but the bass can be a bit bloated and ill defined at times. I really like a nice clean,extended tight bass.
I was wondering if a different type of amp would help tighten up the bass - More power, solid state with a high damping factor?
I tried moving the speakers away from the wall an extra two to three feet and it helps , but does not solve the problem.
I have heard the Vienna Acoustics in show rooms with high power tube amps, different speaker cables,interconnects and still heard the bass issue.

I was curious if there would be a amp that would help this , or if I just need a different speaker to obtain the nice clean , detailed bass extension.

I have also tried subwoofers to see if it would help. It did help to a point . but did not solve the problem.

I listened to a pair of Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand speakers with a Pass X-250.5 amplifier - with quality wire and was impressed. The sound had a natural presentation of the recorded venue. Bass was very good - coherent, articulate and tight.

For the money - I was very impressed. I have to say, I was listening to the speakers more than the amplifier because we've owned Pass amplifiers for years.

Hope this helps, TJF

Life it too short not to listen to music that stirs our senses and moves our souls.
I second the Belles recommendation. Your speakers loves a decent SS amp and there are many.......under $2000 new and used.

- Electrocompaniet
- Belles
- bel Canto ...... I use on my Mozart
- Odyssey amps
- Van Alstine
Thanks everyone for the suggestions, much appreciated.

I assume by the amps that have been suggested so far , that everyone is recommending a solid state amp for the Vienna Acoustics? That would seem to fall in line with what I have been researching. Would there be any options for a tube amp that would meet the same criteria?

I have been listening to tube amplifaction for the last 14 years , so part of me would be a little gun shy for the switch to solid state. Not against it though. Just think it would have to be a solid state on the warm side of the midrange and above.

It might be a good ideal to see if I can borrow a solid state amp/preamp ,or an integrated amp from one of my local audio dealers. That would give me an ideal what a relatively powerful amps delivering a highish damping factor would sound like with my speakers. Then I could start to fine tune what brand/model would fit into my system and please my ears.

Marqmike , Mean while I will check out the Belles Reference 150a version 2. and the Halo A21. Impressive looking amps!

Tjassoc , I will take a look at the Pass X-250.5 , thanks.

Guidocorona , I would probably be interested in used gear. My budget might vary depending on if I go the route of amp/preamp , or an integrated amp. If I buy an amp , them I will need a pre that would go well with the amp. $1,000 to 3,000 ( Give or Take) for amp and the same price range for the preamp.

I did also notice on other Audiogon forums related to amps for Vienna Acoutics , that some folks had recommended The Conrad Johnson MF 2500/2500A paired with a tube pre.

Thanks again for your input and any future advise!!!
Grannyring , just noticed your reply after I posted my comment. Thanks for your list of recommendations. I will check those out also.

I actually have a local dealer where I would probably be able to home audition the Bel Canto. That is a good start.

I will have to check out all the other brand/models given here also. Hopefully some of the suggested amps will be sold by some of the audio dealers in my area. That would give me a chance to hear first hand what hear what the amps sound like.

I've owned 2 Belles 150a , one regular, one hot-rod , very
light in the bass, I called them my tenor amps.
Replaced with Odyssey, just not good sounding.
Replaced with Van Alstine Synergy 450 two years ago, first time in 40 years I have not being looking at other amps.
Does it all.