Amp Recommendation for Vienna Acoustics

I own a pair of Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand. Currently using a Conrad Johnson CAV 50 Controlled tube amp. I love the warm sound of the CJ and VA , but the bass can be a bit bloated and ill defined at times. I really like a nice clean,extended tight bass.
I was wondering if a different type of amp would help tighten up the bass - More power, solid state with a high damping factor?
I tried moving the speakers away from the wall an extra two to three feet and it helps , but does not solve the problem.
I have heard the Vienna Acoustics in show rooms with high power tube amps, different speaker cables,interconnects and still heard the bass issue.

I was curious if there would be a amp that would help this , or if I just need a different speaker to obtain the nice clean , detailed bass extension.

I have also tried subwoofers to see if it would help. It did help to a point . but did not solve the problem.
I second the Belles recommendation. Your speakers loves a decent SS amp and there are many.......under $2000 new and used.

- Electrocompaniet
- Belles
- bel Canto ...... I use on my Mozart
- Odyssey amps
- Van Alstine
Thanks everyone for the suggestions, much appreciated.

I assume by the amps that have been suggested so far , that everyone is recommending a solid state amp for the Vienna Acoustics? That would seem to fall in line with what I have been researching. Would there be any options for a tube amp that would meet the same criteria?

I have been listening to tube amplifaction for the last 14 years , so part of me would be a little gun shy for the switch to solid state. Not against it though. Just think it would have to be a solid state on the warm side of the midrange and above.

It might be a good ideal to see if I can borrow a solid state amp/preamp ,or an integrated amp from one of my local audio dealers. That would give me an ideal what a relatively powerful amps delivering a highish damping factor would sound like with my speakers. Then I could start to fine tune what brand/model would fit into my system and please my ears.

Marqmike , Mean while I will check out the Belles Reference 150a version 2. and the Halo A21. Impressive looking amps!

Tjassoc , I will take a look at the Pass X-250.5 , thanks.

Guidocorona , I would probably be interested in used gear. My budget might vary depending on if I go the route of amp/preamp , or an integrated amp. If I buy an amp , them I will need a pre that would go well with the amp. $1,000 to 3,000 ( Give or Take) for amp and the same price range for the preamp.

I did also notice on other Audiogon forums related to amps for Vienna Acoutics , that some folks had recommended The Conrad Johnson MF 2500/2500A paired with a tube pre.

Thanks again for your input and any future advise!!!
Grannyring , just noticed your reply after I posted my comment. Thanks for your list of recommendations. I will check those out also.

I actually have a local dealer where I would probably be able to home audition the Bel Canto. That is a good start.

I will have to check out all the other brand/models given here also. Hopefully some of the suggested amps will be sold by some of the audio dealers in my area. That would give me a chance to hear first hand what hear what the amps sound like.

I've owned 2 Belles 150a , one regular, one hot-rod , very
light in the bass, I called them my tenor amps.
Replaced with Odyssey, just not good sounding.
Replaced with Van Alstine Synergy 450 two years ago, first time in 40 years I have not being looking at other amps.
Does it all.