Joseph Audio Pulsars

Looking for a high end, detailed, bookshelf speaker. I came across the Joseph Audio Pulsars. Any thoughts, comments or suggestions? Pairing these up with a Prima Luna Prologue Two.
While I haven't heard the Pulsars, I did hear Joseph Audio speakers at RMAF, and really enjoyed them. I don't know if you've heard them, but I was very impressed with what I heard. If you haven't already, give them a listen.

i auditioned the pulsars recently with the new peachtree preamp and a pair of manley shrimp(s). they're very good--extremely fast, detailed and transparent. ruthlessly revealing--lousy recordings sound lousy. bass extension was not real deep (they don't sound like a bigger speaker) but threw a big soundstage. truth be told, however, i thought they were pricy for what they were (i think they're $7k)--the psb synchrony monitors i heard at the same dealer had many of the same qualities (and were somewhat more forgiving and less fatiguiung) for 1/3 the price. purely my opinion.
I appreciate the feedback Loomis & Island. The price is not the real issue (though it always seems to be in the end!), but the synergy with my equipment might be. I was actually considering the Diablos from Focal but those are simply too much! Great speaker though, hands down the best "bookshelf" I have ever heard.
The Joseph Audio did seem a bit light on the bass extension.
What to do?
What to do?
I have been running the Pulsars for a few weeks. I could not be happier. Actually, the bass is very good in my system.
Joseph Dealer here...

Pulsars are a great option and will absolutely give you the definition that you are looking for. It's one of the more popular models that I sell. Bass extension is actually pretty good (especially for the speaker size).