Joseph Audio Pulsars

Looking for a high end, detailed, bookshelf speaker. I came across the Joseph Audio Pulsars. Any thoughts, comments or suggestions? Pairing these up with a Prima Luna Prologue Two.
I appreciate the feedback Loomis & Island. The price is not the real issue (though it always seems to be in the end!), but the synergy with my equipment might be. I was actually considering the Diablos from Focal but those are simply too much! Great speaker though, hands down the best "bookshelf" I have ever heard.
The Joseph Audio did seem a bit light on the bass extension.
What to do?
What to do?
I have been running the Pulsars for a few weeks. I could not be happier. Actually, the bass is very good in my system.
Joseph Dealer here...

Pulsars are a great option and will absolutely give you the definition that you are looking for. It's one of the more popular models that I sell. Bass extension is actually pretty good (especially for the speaker size).
Thanks Sabai, I have been speaking with a couple of stores today about a couple of other options: PMC and Dynaudio. This may take a while!
One person I like dealing with may be able to get a pair of the Joseph Audio's for me to listen to more carefully next week.
You're welcome. If you can audition the Pulsars that would be ideal. In your own system would be best, of course. System dependence will come into play but the Pulsars are so distinctive that whatever system you listen to them in will probably give you a good idea.