Joseph Audio Pulsars

Looking for a high end, detailed, bookshelf speaker. I came across the Joseph Audio Pulsars. Any thoughts, comments or suggestions? Pairing these up with a Prima Luna Prologue Two.
You're welcome. If you can audition the Pulsars that would be ideal. In your own system would be best, of course. System dependence will come into play but the Pulsars are so distinctive that whatever system you listen to them in will probably give you a good idea.
I finally took the time to audition these and I must tell you guys that they are absolutely PERFECT for my needs! I was totally impressed with them from the first note I heard onwards! Great speakers regardless of size.
I am getting my new pair next week but have the store's demos to play with until then.
Thanks everyone for your feedback!
Glad you got the chance to audition the Pulsars. I had a feeling you'd like them.
FYI, just got the latest Stereophile yesterday in which Fremer reviewed the Pulsars. Very positive review. Makes me want to hear them even more.