Any bad experience with wilson audio sasha w/p?

Sorry for the question, but I have been hearing good reviews about wilson audio sasha w/p. I am actually convinced to try a new set but hope I can get the negative side so I can come out with a decision that I will not regret in the future.
To get everything out of the Pl-200 you need an amp which can give an extreme wide and deep stage. Pass labs is one of the best in this area. Second you need the PLW-15 to strat from 16hz. This is crucial to come to the stunning sound. You need to know all the properties it has to get to this sound. Even Monitor Audio itself is not able to get this level. We had this discussion during the show. Most shows with Monitor Audio use amp's which are not able to get this 3-dimensional sound. They never heard there speakers this good. This means I always can go further then other people can. You also need Audyssey pro and my way of measering to get the full stealth low freq. I will keep this for myself. Even this I will not share with the people of Audyssey. What you can get out of a speaker depends about your knowledge in music and in properties of the equipment you use. For me it is that clear!
There are more speakers which are able to give a deep and wide stage. But.......Monitor Audio Platinum is able to let you hear a 3d extreme sharp individual focus of all parts of the recording. This is the key to the stunning touchable sound I had at the show. I am aware of all the properties/talents of speakers, amps, sources and cables etc. My goal is to use all the properties they have. This only will lead you to the 'Absolute 'Sound.

you go on and on about how Wilson's need so much to get them to sound good and then you say, "To get everything out of the Pl-200 you need an amp which can give an extreme wide and deep stage", I get a wide and deep stage with the Densen and instruments sound real. I'm sure if I had the Pass Labs it would sound even better. You say, "I need the PLW-15 to strat from 16hz", I don't like subs. No my Sasha's don't go to 16hz, but the type of music I listen to doesn't require them to. You continue by saying, "You also need Audyssey pro and my way of measering to get the full stealth low freq". You remind me of why I give very little credence to individuals on the internet. Like I said, I will go listen to the P1-200s with my equipment and report my thoughts.
Folks, Bo... is 100% correct. As a fellow member of the A'gon community, it pains me greatly that any of you would be suffering with those Wilson speakers, any model. So, I will take them off your hands at no cost to you of course. Send me a note to advise on shipping costs and I will reimburse you.

P.S. I'm only interested in late model Wilsons.
This is not about bashing Wilson Audio. Also not to be 100% correct. This is about good quality in sound for every person here at Audiogon. The people who are happy with there Wilson speakers is always good. The most important thing I learned in the 15 year I am in this business. Is how personal sound is. For me it is important that people get good and honest advice. I am aware that words can be read different ways. We are all different. I love to talk about audio. Always interested in how other people think. Like Ricred1 will audition the Pl-200. That are the people I like. There is enough room for every person to have his personal opinion. In the last few months I had a lot of fun here at Audiogon.