WP 7 or Totem Wind or AZ Crescendo or ????

Looking for a dynamic/punchy/open presentation that I can still relax too with the right music. 5000-10 thousand used.
List of some I have owned:
B&W N800, Eggleston Andra 1, Dynaudio C1,C4, Aerial 10T,
And many more. Just listened to Vandy 3a this weekend and they were not dynamic enough for me.
The Crescendos at RMAF 2007 were driven by Halcro amps. That combination of speaker/amp put out the most impactful bass I've ever heard. Gut punching bass would be an apt description. The rest of the speaker is pretty good as well.
I own the crescendos i dont sell them for any money, i heard many before buying them, and yes i am using them with ayon triton 120 class A tube amp.
so far i havent listen any more satisfying realistic full sounding speakers yet...
Your list dynamic/punchy/open are WP 7 strengths!!! A pair is selling for $8000 on Agon, that's a lot of speaker!!!!