WP 7 or Totem Wind or AZ Crescendo or ????

Looking for a dynamic/punchy/open presentation that I can still relax too with the right music. 5000-10 thousand used.
List of some I have owned:
B&W N800, Eggleston Andra 1, Dynaudio C1,C4, Aerial 10T,
And many more. Just listened to Vandy 3a this weekend and they were not dynamic enough for me.
I own the crescendos i dont sell them for any money, i heard many before buying them, and yes i am using them with ayon triton 120 class A tube amp.
so far i havent listen any more satisfying realistic full sounding speakers yet...
Your list dynamic/punchy/open are WP 7 strengths!!! A pair is selling for $8000 on Agon, that's a lot of speaker!!!!