Gallo Stradas vs. Merlin TSM-MXRs

I know this is a weird question, but I have an opportunity to purchase either Gallo Stradas or Merlin TSM-MXRs, but do not have the opportunity to hear them. The Merlins are about $700 more, which I don't mind paying if they are superior. Both would be paired with a small sub for a music-only second system. Amp is a Bel Canto ref500s. The room (my office) has terrible room treatment (hardwood floors, blank plaster over masonry walls, hard modern furniture, tall ceilings- and I don't want to add much in the way of room treatment for aesthetic reasons). I listen to a very wide variety of music - but mostly indie rock and jazz, at low to moderate levels.

Thoughts? I will be replacing Meadowlark Kestrel Hot Rods.
Both of these speakers are very good. If you want absolute invisable speakers as far as imaging goes, then the Gallos are hard to beat. Man.... This is a tough one, they're both really good speakers.
The TSMs are indeed superb speakers but I can't compare them to the Gallos which I haven't heard. I had no idea they cost that much more, they are good very good, though.