Gallo Stradas vs. Merlin TSM-MXRs

I know this is a weird question, but I have an opportunity to purchase either Gallo Stradas or Merlin TSM-MXRs, but do not have the opportunity to hear them. The Merlins are about $700 more, which I don't mind paying if they are superior. Both would be paired with a small sub for a music-only second system. Amp is a Bel Canto ref500s. The room (my office) has terrible room treatment (hardwood floors, blank plaster over masonry walls, hard modern furniture, tall ceilings- and I don't want to add much in the way of room treatment for aesthetic reasons). I listen to a very wide variety of music - but mostly indie rock and jazz, at low to moderate levels.

Thoughts? I will be replacing Meadowlark Kestrel Hot Rods.
The TSMs are indeed superb speakers but I can't compare them to the Gallos which I haven't heard. I had no idea they cost that much more, they are good very good, though.
Would appreciate comments on which of these speakers will sound best in a highly reflective room. Or, maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree with these speakers. I just saw a pair of Nuforce Reference S-9s on A'gon that also look interesting, although they are a bit more expensive than the Merlins.
I own a pair of Stradas and their floor mounts (with modded brass spikes from Eden Sound), plus a pair of Gallo TR-3 subs. I have only heard the larger (VSM?) Merlin speakers -- in a wildly different system -- but I'd put the Gallos up against them any time. Granted, it's not a fair comparison. No, the Stradas do not sound bright, at least not i my tubed (Aesthetix Calypso, 845 SET monoblocks) system.
Thanks, Dopogue. Also wondering if anyone has tried the Mapleshade floor mounts for the Stradas? They are supposed to be fantastic, but I have a hard time imagining how they would sound that low and whether they would be blocked by other furniture in the room.