Which stands for Joseph Audio Pulsars?

These amazing speakers needs good stands I am hearing your recommendations?
What does Jeff Joseph use at shows? I would think he would have a good idea of what works best, unless of course the appearance of what he recommends is unacceptable to you.

Skylan and Core Audio are two companies that come to mind although I must say I have no experience with either.
When I visited their room at Axpona, Jeff Joseph was using some funky looking home-brew stands that either he or a friend made in a machine shop. They appeared minimal, functional, but not very attractive. I thought Jeff needed to find something that looked more in line with the great aesthetics of the Pulsars themselves.
I know Jeff was using Osiris stands at one point (what he brought to Fremer's for the S'phile review), but sadly no longer made. I'd give Joseph Audio a call. I'm sure they'll have some recommendations and who better to ask?
Joseph Audio Dealer Disclaimer***

Sound Anchors' 4 Post Stands work great with the Pulsars. (the 3 post does also)
Could you please give me the ideal dimensions for the 4post sound anchors stands?
-regarding Pulsars-