Which stands for Joseph Audio Pulsars?

These amazing speakers needs good stands I am hearing your recommendations?
When I visited their room at Axpona, Jeff Joseph was using some funky looking home-brew stands that either he or a friend made in a machine shop. They appeared minimal, functional, but not very attractive. I thought Jeff needed to find something that looked more in line with the great aesthetics of the Pulsars themselves.
I know Jeff was using Osiris stands at one point (what he brought to Fremer's for the S'phile review), but sadly no longer made. I'd give Joseph Audio a call. I'm sure they'll have some recommendations and who better to ask?
Joseph Audio Dealer Disclaimer***

Sound Anchors' 4 Post Stands work great with the Pulsars. (the 3 post does also)
Could you please give me the ideal dimensions for the 4post sound anchors stands?
-regarding Pulsars-