Enlightened Audio designs

hey Guys,
A buddy of mine just gave me a Enlightened Audio Designs DAC model DSP 7000. I have a Music Hall 25.2. The EAD gives me the ability to play HCCD,which I'm listening to right now..pretty sweet. regular cd's eh..ok. What do I have here, worth keeping in my system or just let the Music Hall do the talking?
If the sound your getting is an improvement over what you have been used to, then keep the EAD in the loop. LET YOUR EARS BE THE JUDGE...

I've used EAD in the past and was always impressed with it's musicality,good stuff...
I have put my EAD 7000 III against a bunch of DACs including, Chord, Audio Note 1, Krell, DCS, Accuphase, etc. and with my Forsell transport the EAD beat all others...still looking for a contender (passively looking that is)...

If you want to upgrade look elsewhere in your chain, leave the EAD in, dump the Music Hall! I had a Music Hall CD25 mk1 with mods in PS, its a nice player, sold it long ago in search for a better transport, since I had a Squeezebox modded and unmodded, CEC TL1, and Forsell, the EAD stayed.