Heard of Soltanus Acoustics ESL Virtuoso ?

If you have not heard of Soltanus Acoustic's ESL Virtuoso electrostatic speaker you should read this :
It is a full range ( down to 40hz) multi panel , cross-overless electrostatic , a first . Priced at only $10,995.00 and will be on show in Montreal at the Son Ideal on March 27-29.
No sir your mistaken ..this is the first thread he has started. He has answered others threads back to '00..I also read the 6 Moons review and I am always interested in Stats..Tom
Just trying to get the name out and let people know about a great sounding electrostat.
I used to own and sell Quad's but since the IAG move to China getting them is very difficult.
The Virtuoso's will be on display at the 2015 Montreal HiFi show.