Heard of Soltanus Acoustics ESL Virtuoso ?

If you have not heard of Soltanus Acoustic's ESL Virtuoso electrostatic speaker you should read this :
It is a full range ( down to 40hz) multi panel , cross-overless electrostatic , a first . Priced at only $10,995.00 and will be on show in Montreal at the Son Ideal on March 27-29.
No sir your mistaken ..this is the first thread he has started. He has answered others threads back to '00..I also read the 6 Moons review and I am always interested in Stats..Tom
Just trying to get the name out and let people know about a great sounding electrostat.
I used to own and sell Quad's but since the IAG move to China getting them is very difficult.
The Virtuoso's will be on display at the 2015 Montreal HiFi show.
Greetings, I review for Dagogo.com, and am fairly familiar with ESL products in North America. I have a technical question about the descriptions of the speaker gleaned from your post and the Six Moons article:

How can this be a crossover-less design and incorporate a tweeter bias function? Why would there be discussion of a tweeter adjustment if there is no crossover? How would one separate out the function of the tweeter for adjustment if there is no crossover?

The article includes this sentence, "The high-frequency panel measures 120x14cm and is designed to cover 200-20'000Hz," which seems to definitively show that it is not a crossover-less speaker.

Even if not crossover-less, it does have a couple features not normally found on ESL speakers. The impedance matching seems to be a significant feature.