Audio Research Ref: CD8

I understand from speaking to Audio Research there is a CD8 now. CD8 has an upgraded power supply and DAC from the CD7. I have my CD7 at ARC for the power supply upgrade now.

Does anyone know more about the CD8?
Dave, you make no sence: Ref2-MkII is 6H30+jfet based, by far the most SS like tube gear ARC ever made, also VT100MKIII and VT200MKII are 6H30+Jfet based.

I had the REF2MKII and it took 500 to burn and a lot of setup to play well, after sometime played really well. All reference gear from ARC are top sound they are only different versions. Funny the CD8 take 600h to burn since it does not have Jfets in the path of sound. The 6H30+Jfets worked very well in ARC Power Amps not so easy in the preamps.

Dave maybe you should check the cables or room acoustics, I had some problem with Synergistic Cable and was thinking it was my gear in the end was a damaged cable.

A very tube sound is good to cover bad links in the chain of sound, to use less tube gear sound like (Hi-Resolution) you have to have everything correct. ARC made a choice about 10years ago, they made the gear sound less tubed in order to gain in other aspects.

Here the REF3 and the CD7 upgrade, folowed by a 300.2 bi-amplification just play LIVE!
Ossocao, I am sorry! My VT200 was the original 6922 based amp. I had the Ref 2 and Ref 2 MKII. I started to fall out of love with the ARC sound around that time and definately didn't like my ref 3 ...thanks for pointing out my mistake:O)
Dave, you cannot make general statements like that. Ref 3 and CD-7/8 sound very different to each other, in terms of overall balance - and both are tube based, and both use 6H30 tube.

There is a general consensus that the Ref 3 is a much better preamp than both Ref 2 and Ref 2 mk II, although I can understand that some ppl, in some systems may actually prefer the Ref 2 over Ref 3 for its specific "flavor".
Please do not consider me pedantic, but I think that such thing as the "6h30 sound" does not exist.
I owned Audio Research REF2 mk2 , REF3 , conrad johnson ACT2 and ACT2 series 2 (all using the 6h30 exclusively in the amplifying stages) and could not find a common trait between these four preamplifiers. A friend of mine owns a BAT phono unit and it does not sound as a cj or an ARC!
Circuit topology, operating points, power supply and choice of passives have great importance in sound balance. I think that the main reason why many manufacturers are using the 6h30 is because it is reliable and lasts long - I recently measured the 6h30s of my REF3 that have 4093 and they still measure as new!